Sixth Grade Exploratory Classes

Each course is offered for a marking period, with the exception of Band and PE.

Academic Lab (teacher recommendation required)

Academic Lab offers a smaller group setting designed for students with a desire to work toward personal academic success. The class is staffed by both a teacher and an academic aide who assist students with classwork, organization, and studying for tests.  The purpose of ac lab is two-fold: to provide not only academic support, but also remediation in math and/or reading.  Ac Lab is a privilege; therefore students who enroll must be on-task, willing to accept help, and committed to completing work at home as well as during the ac lab hour.


This class covers a variety of topics in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art through which students are exposed to many different styles of art, both past and present. Students are encouraged to explore their own personal ideas and artistic styles while learning the basics of a variety of art techniques. They will be guided through the artistic process--brainstorming, problem-solving, and experimenting with different mediums. And Fridays offer the opportunity for free choice exploration!

Band (year-long course)

This first year of band is an introduction to the fundamentals of reading music, playing instruments, and performing.  By May, sixth graders are ready to perform in the spring concert!

Career Exploration 6

During this 9-week course, students will engage in hands-on learning experiences through which they will study and practice important life skills and explore career pathways and future opportunities and planning.  Soft skills will be incorporated into the curriculum which is focused on lifelong practical skills including, but not limited to: culinary arts and food safety, sewing/textiles, financial literacy, resume building and job applications, interview coaching, and more.

Digital Citizenship

Sixth grade computer class is a combination of practicing keyboarding skills and learning Microsoft programs such and Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher, as well as Google G suite programs while utilizing online resources and websites to help students discover how technology can assist with life-long learning.  Throughout the marking period, students practice typing skills and work on various projects.

Full Value Seminar

This class is a combination of Adventure Education, which involves initiatives and activities focused on character and team-building, as well as curriculum focused on helping students develop foundational skills to better navigate the transition from childhood to adolescence.

Industrial Arts

This hands-on class meets in the shop room, where students learn the basics of working with various tools to process materials and create projects. 

Physical Education (semester course)

Sixth grade PE covers football, volleyball, and a variety of recreational games—kickball, dodge ball, gator ball, and scooter ball, to name a few!  Students explore the fundamentals, skills, strategies, and rules of these sports.  There is “regular season play” followed by “tournament play,” which is tailored to each unit—a series of Bowl games and tournaments.  Students are assessed for each unit on a combination of physical skills and written tests.  The rec games focus on developing both fine and gross motor skills, strategy, and territory, while revolving around having FUN!


In this class, students will work on STEM-type projects with a focus on science, engineering, and math with an infusion of teamwork and problem-solving.