
Scholarship Procedures
1. All Petoskey Education Foundation scholarship applications are to be submitted electronically to the email address by April 15 and no later than 3:30 pm. If you have questions please address them to the PEF email address above.
2. Scanning help can be found at these websites:
3. The successful applicants will be notified either as in previous years at the Scholarship Awards Night, or by email or letter no later than the end of May.
High School Senior Scholarships
The Petoskey Education Foundation awards the following scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. The application for these scholarships is available by clicking on the individual scholarship. Completed applications for these scholarships must be returned electronically to the Petoskey Education Foundation email address,, no later than April 15.
John Newton Memorial Scholarship
One award of up to $3,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of study, demonstrated leadership, character, service and will be attending an institution of higher education.
Jack and Dorothy Harris Liberal Arts Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of liberal arts study reflective of his/her career goal, demonstrated leadership, character, and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
Vera Jean and Marjorie Winnell Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of study reflective of his/her career goal, demonstrated leadership, character and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
Doris Reber Class of 1932 Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA who will attend Michigan State University in one of the following majors: Dietetics, Nutritional Sciences, Child Development, Apparel and Textile Design, Apparel and Textiles, Marketing, Human Development and Family Studies or Family Community Services. Applicants for this scholarship MUST submit a letter from Michigan State University with their scholarship application that confirms their qualifying major.
Scholar/Athlete Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of study reflective of his/her career goal, been a member of any PHS athletic team and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
Fine Arts Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of study reflective of his/her career goal, participated in a fine arts programming and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
Science/Math Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of science and/or math study and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
Katharine B. Biggs Community Service Scholarship
One award of up to $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in an academically rigorous and well-rounded course of study reflective of his/her career goal, made a significant contribution to the community through service and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
William R. Todd/Petoskey Education Foundation Scholarship
One award of $500 to a Petoskey High School graduating senior with a minimum GPA of 2.5, who will be attending North Central Michigan College starting in the fall semester. Applicants for this scholarship must submit a letter from North Central Michigan College confirming their acceptance.
The Theresa Mayfield Scholarship
One award of $3,000 to any PHS graduating senior student that will attend North Central Michigan College (NCMC) to study nursing.
Jim Kan Memorial Scholarship
One award of $2,000 to an outstanding PHS senior who has excelled in band and athletics, who embodies the Jim Kan spirit of community, humor and leadership and will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning.
High School Undergraduate Scholarships
Petoskey Education Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to qualified Petoskey High School students currently in the 9th, 10th or 11th grade who have an interest in furthering their education by taking summer instructional programs related to science, technology, music, leadership, debate, visual arts or other academic endeavors. Scholarships up to the amount of $500 each will be awarded to eligible students for summer study. The application for these scholarships is available by clicking on the underlined title/link below. Completed applications for this scholarship must be returned electronically to, no later than April 15.
Middle School Scholarships
PEF Middle School Scholarships
Petoskey Education Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to qualified Petoskey Middle School students currently in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade who have an interest in furthering their education by taking summer instructional programs related to science, technology, music, leadership, debate, visual arts or other academic endeavors. Scholarships up to the amount of $500 each will be awarded to eligible students for summer study. The application for these scholarships is available by clicking on the underlined title/link above. Completed applications for this scholarship must be returned electronically to the Petoskey Education Foundation email address,, no later than April 15.

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