
The PEF strives to enhance the educational experience within the Public Schools of Petoskey.  Continued educational improvement takes strong efforts from the entire community.  An important rung in the ladder where we all can assist our students is funding for the PEF.  The scholarships and student/teacher grants are funded 100% by generous donations from the public.

Donations can also be made at any time and in many ways:

  • Bequests - An addition to your will, with the help of your attorney, reduces the size of your taxable estate. Therefore, the costs of your bequest may be offset by a reduction in state and federal inheritance taxes.
  • Life Insurance - Arrange a new policy with the Petoskey Education Foundation as the beneficiary, or donate a paid-up policy.
  • Honorary Contributions - Contributions may be made to honor a special teacher, friend, relative or family member.

Petoskey Education Foundation Calendar

The three fun events listed below -- as well as the listed donation opportunities -- are vehicles by which you can donate to the continuing efforts of the PEF to make the Public Schools of Petoskey a world-class institution for learning and personal growth.   If you would like to discuss other donation opportunities, feel free to personally contact one of the Petoskey Education Foundation trustees.

Pizza Pizzazz

For one night each winter, purchase a pizza from participating local restaurants and they will donate 10% to the PEF!

It's a perfect time to host a pizza party at your office or treat the family to a pizza dinner, all the while knowing you're supporting the Public Schools of Petoskey.

Golf Outing

Each summer, the Petoskey Education Foundation hosts its charity golf outing at the Petoskey-Bay View Country Club. Play as an individual, gather your foursome or contribute as a sponsor of the outing.

2020 PEF Golf Outing Winners