District Goals and Strategic Plan
Each student and staff member will experience a supportive and growth-oriented environment that will enable them to maximize their talents and make a positive contribution to our community and the world in which we live.
The mission of the Public Schools of Petoskey is to advance the education and skills of all students in an equitable manner through the participation and involvement of staff, students, parents, and others in the community.
** 24-25 Focus / Goal Areas
Communication and Leadership
Increase district-wide stakeholder awareness and engagement in the mission of the school district.
Key Initiatives
Maintain an updated and appropriate internet and social media presence.
CL.2 **
Provide regular Superintendent and building updates during Board meetings and through external communications. (newsletter)
Communicate and reinforce the Full Value Agreement within the district and community.
Schedule student and staff presentations at Board meetings.
Update Board of Education policies and corresponding Rules / Administrative Guidelines.
CL.6 **
Use consistent and proper PSP imagery throughout the school system. (Mascot exploration)
CL.7 **
Seek and address feedback from stakeholders regarding District performance.
Student Achievement
Install district systems designed to improve student achievement and social-emotional well-being.
Key Initiatives
Engage in classroom observations to build positive relationships.
SA.2 **
Develop programs at all building levels to address bullying.
Conduct data reviews at all levels to inform instruction and student growth.
SA.4 **
Improve attendance rates.
SA.5 **
Increase college / career readiness, including through post-graduation data collection.
Collaborate with community to meet student needs.
Monitor and regularly update the curriculum review cycle.
Continue a coordinated K-12 PBIS structure in all buildings including the Full Value Agreement.
Maintain quality extracurricular activities.
SA.10 **
Provide a comprehensive continuum of supports and services to meet academic goals.
Finance and Operations
Fund instructional priorities and maintain fiscal responsibility.
Key Initiatives
Maintain an annual fund balance of 18% or higher.
Maintain a 3–5-year schedule of sinking fund projects and review regularly. Complete sinking fund projects and facilities updates as scheduled.
FO.3 **
Continue strategic planning for technology resources.
FO.4 **
Provide regular reports of ISD Enhancement Fund and Sinking Fund usage to the Board of Education and community.
Provide informational sessions at Board meetings regarding school finance.